What is Direct Mail?
Direct Mail refers to when a company posts something directly to an existing or potential customer. I know what you’re thinking - that sounds an awful lot like that pesky junk mail I throw straight in the bin! You probably threw it away because it was of no relevance to you.
Soar Valley Press can show you how to get creative with your mail, make sure its target specific and how to improve the return on your investment. When used well, Direct Mail can generate massive increased customer spending.
The Best Direct Mail is:
Highly Targeted – Think about who you are sending your mail to. Who is most likely to be interested in what you have to offer? The best lists are created from existing customers and prospective customers who you have personally researched.
Personalised – People are much more likely to read something if it addresses them by their first name rather than generic terms. Customers feel more special if they think the post was created specifically with them in mind. And we all like to feel special.
Optimised – by tracking your responses you can continually improve your list and measure which campaigns were particularly successful.
Branded – your Direct Mail is an extension of your brand concept and its ultimate aim is to increase brand awareness which will generate sales. Our dedicated design team will work with you to create a fully-branded, jaw-dropping, awareness-increasing Direct Mail experience. .
Now that you’re a whiz on the brilliant marketing strategy that is Direct Mail the only thing left to do is get cracking! The biggest mistake companies can make is to spend too long thinking about the ways to contact their customers and not enough time contacting them. Customers respond to a feeling of familiarity. If you communicate with your customers more often than your competitors then it will be your name they think of 1st when choosing who to go with.
Call us now and we can get started on a campaign plan and get your Direct Mail sent out in no time.
Our number is 0116 259 9955.
Or email us at inspiration@soarvalleypress.co.uk #directmail