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Eight things you need to do for a safe return to work

Updated: May 19, 2020

The Government have recently launched a series of guides to help employers and employees understand how to return to work safely, during the Coronavirus pandemic.

As we look to move forward, and get back to work, it is important that we implement the suggested procedures, to ensure the safety of our clients and staff.

To make things simple and straightforward for you, this guide will detail some of the Government advice and suggest how we can put this into action, in our workplaces.

If you would like more information about the social distancing signage and protection we offer at SVP, you can download our brochure and price list by clicking here.

Managing Risk

1. Increase the frequency of handwashing

By placing hand washing posters and signage near sinks, in bathrooms and in prominent places around your place of work, you are actively encouraging your employees to practice better hygiene.

2. Keep desks and workstations apart

Using acrylic screens and barriers to separate desks and workspaces is a great way to shield your staff from potential risks in the workplace.

Where maintaining a 2m distance between desks is not possible, installing physical barriers can ensure that your staff are still able to work safely.

3. Printing your risk assessments According to Government advice, we should now ensure that our COVID-19 risk assessments are on display in your place of work, to ensure your employees are aware that you have followed the guidance.

Having this printed onto a poster, not only looks professional, but also acts to reassure your staff, and reduce workplace anxiety.

Social Distancing at Work

4. Help workers keep to a 2m distance The Government is currently suggesting that we help workers to keep a 2m distance, through the use of social distancing floor tape or vinyl floor stickers.

Sticking your tape or stickers 2m apart in corridors and places where individuals are likely to queue, for example in your canteen or outside toilet facilities, can help to ensure your workers are able to keep a social distance.

5. Install screens to protect staff in receptions or similar areas. Utilising cough guards or installing acrylic screens, in reception areas, is vital for ensuring that we protect the members of our workforce who are in customer-facing roles. Cough guards are a fantastic way to protect both parties from exposure, whilst also allowing transactions to be handled safely.

6. Use markings and introduce one-way flow at entry and exit points Employing the use of vinyl floor stickers in corridors, and at entrance and exit points, is a great way to achieve social distancing.

Using purpose-built arrow stickers, to convey a single direction of travel around your place of work, can help you staff maintain a social distance to help protect themselves and others.

Managing your customers, visitors and contractors

7. Provide clear guidance on social distancing and hygiene on arrival Posters and signs that actively encourage social distancing and good hygiene are a great way to effectively convey your procedures to your visitors.

Clearly stating how your business is continuing its operations, and advising that guests stay 2m away from your staff members is a great way to implement your policies.

Placing an informative A-Frame, at the entrance to your business can attract urgent attention and ensure that your customers are well informed.

Cleaning the workplace

8. Provide hand sanitiser in multiple locations in addition to washrooms Ensuring each of your employees are supplied with their own 100ml bottle of branded hand sanitiser, can help you to encourage effective hygiene practices in your workplace.

In addition, you should also consider positioning free standing hand sanitising stations at regular points, throughout your workplace, including at your main entrance.

This is a great way to ensure that hand washing facilities are readily available to your employees, and visitors, so that good hygiene can be practiced.

Find out more

Implementing social distancing measures, and following Government guidelines, is vital for ensuring we keep our workforce safe and can return to work with confidence. To find out more about the COVID-19 signage and safety products we offer, click here. Or, click here to download our brochure and pricelist.

Or to place your order contact our team today, by emailing

Any questions? Our team are always willing and ready to help. Get in contact with us today and we'll happily respond to any queries you may have.

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